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    Being kind to our brain is one of the most important things we can do.

    Yes brain training is a thing and it is amazing.

    It's not just brain training, it's life training, but it starts with the brain.

  • Reasons to WORK with Kelley!

    Jess, Age 43

    When I started working with Kelley, I was stuck in constant fight-or-flight mode, overwhelmed by family stress, business challenges, and personal struggles. My nervous system was completely dysregulated, and no matter how much inner work I had done, I felt like I couldn’t fully break free from the patterns of stress and survival mode.

    NeurOptimal changed everything. It helped me regulate my nervous system in a way I didn’t even realize I needed. The shifts were subtle at first, but then I started noticing that I was handling stress differently—reacting less, responding more. My mind became clearer, my emotions more balanced, and for the first time in a long time, I felt grounded.

    Every area of my life has improved. My business has exploded—I’ve made more money with more ease than ever before. My relationships have deepened, and I find myself more present and connected with the people I love. Even my health and daily habits have transformed; I sleep better, have more energy, and make choices that truly serve me.

    Kelley has been such a gift. She creates a space where transformation happens naturally, without force, just by allowing the brain and body to do what they were always meant to do—heal. I’m beyond grateful for this work and can’t recommend it enough!

    Andrew, Age 39

    Coaching with Kelley has been immensely helpful. I went from being in a constant state of fear to learning how to use that fear as fuel to push through and continue to grow my business. I continue to work with Kelley and  look forward to the future growth both personally and in my business. Kelley has a way of meeting you where you are, finding your strengths and helping you to shine light on them. She believes in you until you find the reasons to trust and believe in yourself.

    Anna, Age 32

    I have been a client of Kelley’s for over a year now. She has helped me in more ways than I can possibly describe. She has helped me rebuild my self love and confidence, helped me work through pain and trauma, guide me in my communication and understanding for others, as well as, myself and be more present in my day to day life. Through working with Kelley I am more present, calmer, happier and more focused on my health and personal goals. I am eternally grateful to Kelley and the impact she has had on my life.

    Analuisa, Age 29

    When I came across KINDbrain I was at the end of my rope. I was depleted because I had tried to care for my mental health in so many ways but I wasn’t feeling any better. I am SO glad I gave myself the opportunity to try something new with KINDbrain! For anyone that feels hopeless like I did, please give this a chance, life is so nice and easy with brain training - SO effortless!

    Going through divorce and managing my medication, Kind Brain really supported me through these major life changes. Difficult situations still happen because – life, but its much easier to process uncomfortable moments and make clear decisions. I’ve also noticed that I don’t take as much medication because I feel brain training has helped me with my anxiety and moods.

    The cherry on top of all of this is that I’ve been super consistent with my workouts and clean eating, summer bod here we come! 😉 (look at me, who am I?!)

    Thank you Kelley for providing a safe space for me to grow and acknowledging all the subtle (but also major!) changes in me along the way. I’m in such a better place, I finally feel like I’m the human I’ve always wanted / imagined myself to be.

    Mallory, Age 24

    I am so grateful to have found NeurOptimal thru KINDbrain. It has helped me to handle my anxiety and get rid of it a lot quicker than I had been able to before. I will continue to use for the rest of my life and choose to live a more calm life thanks to it. Kelley is also such an angel and a helpful duo to the NeurOptimal sessions. Some would say a dream team. Thank you.

    Valerie, Age 46

    Kelley and KINDbrain absolutely changed my life! I had been out of work since March 2020, scared, depressed, lonely, couldn’t think straight, insomnia… you name it, I had it. But, I guess we ALL had or have that now:-(

    I had no idea what NeurOptimal brain training was and while I consider myself a very healthy, out of the box thinking type of person, it still took a little prodding to get me to try it.

    Now, as someone who does not like trying new things, does not like wasting money and is skeptical of almost everything nowadays, with good reason, this turned out to be a GOD SEND!

    The whole experience, was easy, graceful, relaxing and thoroughly calming. Kelley is absolutely lovely, and explained everything beforehand, answered all of my questions and made sure that I received the specific experience that I was looking for.

    In the end, I am more calm, especially in emotionally and trying times, I am clear headed, sharp and I am sleeping DEEP! Starting to feel like my old self again. Plus, it’s a nice opportunity to just get away and shut the world out, for about an hour, and just close my eyes and relax!

    Steve, Age 51

    I was dealing with panic attacks every morning and stressed about the direction my life was going. I began brain training and within weeks, the panic attacks became less frequent then ultimately went away. I was able to focus on my job, my family and make more creative decisions instead of getting stuck in the panic of it not working out. My wife and I got better at asking for what we needed in a more gentle way.

    Amber, Age 38

    My family worked with KINDBrain intensively for several months by renting the NeurOptimal system. The benefits to each individual as well as the family collective was immensely powerful. We saw beautiful shifts in lessening the intensity and severity of undesirable reactions/behaviors, optimized work performance, mental stamina and overall more peace, calm and focus in our daily lives.
    Brain training took our physical, mental and emotional well-being to a whole new level. And bonus, it was the most relaxing ‘workout’ ever!

    Hillary, Age 51

    Doing NeurOptimal was a game changer. Even after just the first session I felt so relaxed & clear. It helped to bring up some deeper things I wasn’t seeing & helped me to release that. It’s a great safe healing modality that supported my healing journey.

    L. Jordan, Age 41

    Neuroptimal has truly been a game changer for me in ways I never expected.

    I've struggled with a fear of heights for as long as I can remember. Tall buildings, rides, and anything elevated always filled me with dread. However, after just a few sessions, I was amazed by my response during an adventure course that required walking on wobbly sticks at a significant height. To my surprise, I had absolutely no fear. It took me a moment to fully realize what was happening, as I never imagined such calm was even possible in that situation.

    My body felt calm, present, and alert — without any trace of fear.

    Neuroptimal has also been a tremendous help to me and my family, especially when we need to calm the internal noise and pressure. We have used it off and on for the last year.

    I’m incredibly grateful that this system has come into our lives.

    Ryan J, Age 41

    NeurOptimal is a game-changer. It’s given me greater access to flow state and has noticeably improved the quality of my sleep. I especially appreciate the burst of productivity I experience when I use the device while reading and writing.


    Getting the information (or feedback) the brain needs to organize itself, allows the brain to release patterns that can get in the way of it functioning well.

    Have you experienced times when you have felt “on target”, maybe even invincible, untouchable, where you are mentally on your “A game”? Or where you have felt clear, poised, “in the now”? Or maybe warm, safe, connected and loving. During these moments your brain is organized, your CNS is flexible and resilient to whatever challenges it faces, and you’re reaping the benefits in the moment.

    Using NeurOptimal is like having a “defrag” of your hard drive, it’s suddenly easier to get out of your own way and access your “A game”.

    Roadblocks can fall away and life can just seem easier, more in flow.

    (from the neuroptimal website)


    A NeurOptimal session is gentle and passive and consists of wearing ear clips and two small sensors on the sides of your head. These pick up the delicate electrical activity of your brain. You relax and nap (YES I SAID NAP) and listen to music. It processes your brain signals very rapidly (256 times a second) and when it detects them moving into an “instability”, the music pauses very briefly. That’s it. That’s all that happens. This is the “feedback”.


    Check out our Instagram to see what people are saying about their KINDbrain Sessions @kind.brain

  • Do you GOLF?

    If you are just starting out or on the PGA Tour, you need to train your brain to improve your game.

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    Everyone experiences brain fog or an imbalance of sleep. This leads to anxiety, feeling depleted and then you are unfocused. It doesn't have to be like that every day.


    We have begun working with golfers who are committed to optimizing their mental clarity to keep their head in the game, beat the yips, and make necessary changes more gracefully.

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    If you want to:

    Improve your score

    Clear your mind

    Build your confidence


    Actually enjoy the game

    It is time to train your brain


    Using NeurOptimal weekly will biologicially allow the brain and body to relax so that it will naturally improve hand eye coordination and keep the brain clear of negative chatter. A relaxed body can make needed changes quicker and easier. 

  • But why KINDbrain?

    KINDbrain uses the NeurOptimal brain training machine, and adds in a fascia energy release exercise & self connecting tools* to support the real world hiccups in between sessions when you need some simple tools to get you back to zen.

    "I am now in touch with my intuition & able to do things vocally that I haven't been able to do." - Chad, 26 yr old singer/songwriter

    "After a few sessions, I stopped crying every day because my husband of 50 yrs died. It really helped my grieving." - Joyce, 78 yr old widow

    "My teacher noticed I was reading better within a couple of weeks." Coco, 9 yr old student

    "I am sleeping deeper and have let go of anxiety since beginning with KINDbrain. I am even more creative with my business." - Lucia, 30 yr old photographer

    "It's like a spa for your brain." - Lynn, 64 yr old mother and entrepreneur

    "After my first session, I went to work the next day and completed so many projects that were on my list to do." - Steve, 65 yr old CEO of global entertainment group

    "My teenage son is more himself lately. He is making new friends and seems happier." - Ferida, mother of 13 yr old son

    "My teenage son and I feel like our brains are more open. He sat down to do his homework without me asking me when we got home. We can't wait to do more!" - SE , 33 yr old mother

    "After the first session, I felt like an edge had been taken off of my day a bit. After a few sessions, my family noticed I was more calm and less aggressive before I could really state it. " - CR, 52 yr old chef

    *building on the brain training, this includes simple concepts to create new positive neuropathways with your brain. It's easy, I promise.

  • CONNECT with me

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    TEXT / 310.966.7645

  • More DETAILS Please!

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    You say one of the reasons NeurOptimal is so safe is that it doesn’t influence any outcome. What does this mean?

    Other neurofeedback systems have goals or outcomes they seek, usually determined in collaboration with the practitioner who is operating the equipment. To meet these goals the software will present you with tasks that you try to accomplish and when you get them right you get “points” in some way. Under the hood, the software is telling your brain to produce more of some frequencies and less of others — these are called augments and suppresses. The idea is that your brain can be pushed into learning to be more like a “normal” (or average) brain. NeurOptimal does not work in this way at all. NeurOptimal does not view your brain as sick or well — in fact, that is irrelevant to NeurOptimal which is a training not a treatment. There are no pre-determined goals (such as getting well), and hence no augments or suppresses. In fact, there is no instruction given to your brain at all. It can do whatever it wants! The idea is to hold up that mirror (NeurOptimal) and let your brain take it from there.

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    You say the brain is doing the work, not NeurOptimal. Could a brain be too disturbed or damaged to benefit from NeurOptimal?

    At this point we have had a lot of experience with all kinds of brains, as you can imagine. We have over 3 million hours of research to create this program. We have yet to see a brain that cannot learn from NeurOptimal. It does seem that every brain has within it an innate capacity to learn and hence potentially to benefit from training with NeurOptimal. Luckily it wouldn’t take you long to find out. We say within six sessions you should know if it is helping, and often it can be quicker than that.

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    You say many different types of people can work with NeurOptimal for many different reasons and purposes. How can one program do that, especially when there are no settings to change? How can “one size fit all”?

    An excellent question! It sounds almost too good to be true, doesn’t it! The answer is actually quite simple. Let’s go back to the analogy of the mirror. No matter who looks into it, the mirror can always be exactly the same mirror. But every image is going to be different, and even the image of one person is going to be subtly changing, never the same one minute (or second) to the next. NeurOptimal is like that mirror, giving information micro-second by micro-second. Not only will two people never have the same session, no person will ever have the same session twice! It’s impossible because as the brain shifts in response to the information it is getting, the image being reflected back also changes. It’s a unique dance between the person and their own brain, or, described another way, of the brain dynamically dancing with itself. So no, NeurOptimal can never be described as a “one size fits all”.

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    Do the results last?

    Once you know how to read, you can’t not know. So yes, it lasts. But if you don’t read for a very long time, you might get a little rusty. Then once you jump back in, you quickly catch up and you’re off!

    NeurOptimal is very like that. Once you have done say 20 sessions, we like to say “you have it in your back pocket”. But if you get thrown off by something happening in your life, a session or two or three can get you right back. You can also stop training any time you want, and pick back up again later. It’s really up to you.

  • Who runs KINDbrain?

    Kelley Raleigh, CEO and Founder of KINDbrain

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    What does it feel like to die when you weren’t the one dying?


    I feel like I have been at least 8 different people in this current lifetime. I feel like I have grown and pushed my boundaries over the years, but nothing quite like this last year.


    My husband unexpectedly died in May, 2021. It shifted my world sideways for a bit and simultaneously, I emerged the next morning as the seedling form of my fullest expression.


    I know that doesn’t make sense. I know that sounds weird and ungrounded and a bit out of touch. But that is what it felt like. While dealing with my soon to be 5 year old and the loss of his epic dad, I saw clearly that this was a way out for me. A way out of standing in my own way, allowing situations that were not authentic or healthy and ultimately, a way out of an old life that was not for my anymore.


    Bear in mind, I was also devastated and sad and was gently supporting myself and my child, but I was also embracing freedom like I hadn’t known in 16 years.


    What did this mean for me? What did this mean for my business? What did this mean spiritually? I needed to double down on everything I knew, every tool I collected in my 16 year journey as a spiritual practioner of Soul Transcendence and pick it apart and grasp on to it with both hands. That also meant that I was going to double down on my business and why I was doing what I was doing.


    I had been supporting my clients in their hardest and most vulnerable times…so now was the real work. I was in my hardest and most vulnerable time, so let’s see what I can dig deep into and what pours out.


    I am going to do my best to articulate my process, but ultimately, I am still on this journey of self mastery and what it all means. One thing it does mean is that life got messy and I finally embraced the mess. I finally literally and figuratively have embraced the mess of my life that I could no longer avoid. I like clean and simple and organized. I operate best from that space. But I needed to now be ok with the mess and examine it and see what I really wanted, how it was going to define me and get clear on how I show up in the world.


    This probably would have been a lot easier if I was not a mother, but that added a bonus of a very clear WHY for those times when I wanted to say Fuck It. Having my WHY with me every day kept me focused and motivated and softened me even more than the moment I gave birth to him.


    I got to sit with myself a lot over this last year. I got to look at patterns and things I allowed and things I created and get clear on whether I wanted to do any of that again. Some of them I didn’t.


    So when I look back at May 5, 2021, I realize I also died that day. I let the old Kelley go with Erik as he embarked on his final journey home to God. I released her into the abyss and happily began handpicking the parts that I wanted to showcase and live in. This was the new me. This was the old me refined. I could be gentle and fierce, traditional and modern, loving and grieving. I could live in the multidimensional space that I knew in theory existed but now live in as a reality. I get to create my world. I get to choose what I want and respond from an authentic place that does not require anyone’s permission but my own.


    A month after my life shifted so drastically, I said that I never thought this would be my life, a widow and single mom running a business and household by myself. Now, months later, I cannot imagine it any other way.


    I did all of this by taking radical responsibility for my mental and physical health. I was using my Body & Brain Spa even more diligently on myself. I was shifting my patterns and calming my nervous system as often as I could each week because I wanted to show up different and be fully in my body.


    If you are needing support in these ways, please reach out. I can tailor make a program for you in your own home or you can join me in person. Everyone deserves to have a calm nervous system, move through grief without having to relive it and shift patterns so we stop projecting our issues on to others.

    Photo by Alexandra DeFurio

  • Our MEDIA page

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    Miracle Minded Podcast

    Kelley & podcast host, Nichole Sylvester discuss how to raise intuitive kids, navigating grief and regulating our nervous systems.

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    The Perfect Child Podcast

    Kelley & podcast host, Belinda Tung dive deep into the need for mental health support and how KINDbrain is a SOLUTION for everyone.

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    Every.Body.Talks Podcast

    Kelley & podcast hosts, Jenn & Lori discuss why it is so important to retrain our brains so we can have the relationships and life we want more of.

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    VoyageLA Magazine

    Read about Kelley's origin story and why she created KINDbrain

  • Other cool ways you can JOIN me too!

    My Affiliate Page

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    Platinum LED Red Light Therapy

    I only use this brand. It is the most effective one out there.

    Red Light Therapy is a process of emitting light wavelengths through the skin to stimulate your bodies natural healing and regeneration processes.

    When delivered within the optimal wavelengths and energy levels, red and near infrared light protect your body’s cells from nitric oxide damage, which can otherwise stop the cell’s production of ATP when you’re stressed or ill. Red light photons allow your cells to continue utilizing oxygen effectively by minimizing the absorption of nitric oxide. Only red light therapy can reach all the way into a cell’s mitochondria to stimulate healing and regeneration to help improve your appearance, performance, and overall well-being.

    Our patent-pending R+|NIR+ spectrum, exclusive to all PlatinumLED BIOMAX lights, achieves a perfected blend of 5 different wavelengths of light that offers therapeutic benefits for a wide array of applications and deeper penetration for maximum results. Extensive scientific studies confirm that this helps create the most advanced and powerful LED therapy light ever designed.


    CODE: kindbrain

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    Aulterra EMF Protection

    I have these on my phone, in my house and my car.

    Aulterra products are scientifically proven, patented, published, and peer reviewed offering the best protection against the harmful effects of 5G and EMF radiation. However, we still believe the best protection against 5G and EMF radiation is education!​

    Independent researchers test the Aulterra Neutralizer through Dark Field Microscopy and show the Aulterra™ Neutralizers ability to protect human blood from damaging alterations caused by EMF radiation.

    Aulterra EMF neutralizing products have proven through in vitro studies to be the only products available to protect human DNA from the harmful effects of EMF/RF radiation. Aulterra Neutralizers reverse the bio-electrical patterns emitted by wireless devices and blocks 100% of the detrimental effects caused by EMFs on human DNA. They provide protection from molecular, electrical and thermal radiation emitted from all electronic devices.


  • CONNECT with me

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    TEXT / 310.966.7645